Orla B (London) Distance Healing

I was dubious about having shamanic healing initially, both because I had not had shamanic healing or distanced healing before. I kept an open mind as I had received a recommendation, and I was much in need! I felt super comfortable and safe with Marina. She gave me the space to connect and share deeply about what was on my mind to begin with, so I knew I could trust her with my ‘stuff’.

For the first half an hour I have to confess I was sitting there thinking, ‘what am I doing? This isn’t going anywhere’. Soon after that point I was crying, shaking and releasing all sorts. Talking through the process afterwards was really helpful as it gave me insight as to what was going on for me at different points. It’s hard to believe that it works, but it does. Healing on this level is much bigger than us, the spiritual realm is at play, and while I will never understand it or fully grasp it, I know it works.

Orla B (London) Distance Healing
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