Shamanism is an ancient animist Earth Medicine that regards all life as having a soul, intelligence and healing power. The shaman uses the drum, rattle and sound to achieve an altered state of consciousness, or heightened awareness, through which she or he receives guidance from the human, animal and plant realms to assist healing.
Through this state, the practitioner’s sight, sentience and hearing is more acute and thus able to:
- Track debilitating core beliefs that lead to patterns of behaviour and offer alternative attitudes and approaches to life
- Work with and extract the spirit of an illness or sense of dis-ease, (physical, emotional and energetic)
- Break debilitating ancestral patterns (learned and carried in our DNA)
- Retrieve parts lost in shock or trauma to restore calm, clarity and vitality
Soul Loss and Soul Retrieval
Many of us have experienced difficult situations, shock and trauma in our lives. During such times, parts of ourselves flee rather than experience the difficulty that’s happening. Imagine for example a child hiding under a table or behind a curtain. In shamanic terms these may also look like favourite places from childhood or places in the mythical realm, such as a beautiful field, a beach or a different landscape. These parts remain frozen in time and age. This is a very common occurrence called ‘soul loss’ in shamanic terms and can happen at any age during our lives. A common experience of PTSD.
These aspects of ourselves often take with them some qualities that they sought to protect, for instance: our innocence, our joy, our vitality. When difficulties occur in our younger years, we begin to form negative core beliefs such as “I am not good enough”, “people can’t be trusted” etc. These then act like magnets that attract situations to us to confirm those beliefs and we adapt to living within the parameters of that worldview and experienced reality.
We may or may not be aware of soul loss. Soul loss can leave us feeling ‘out of sorts’ and hankering back to a time when we were ‘strong’, ‘happy’, ‘had it all together’ etc. When we think back to those times, it typically means that there is nectar and honey there and that we are ready to begin the process of retrieval and transformation.
Soul Retrieval work can bring back those parts that are ready to return and in so doing, restore our wellbeing and help us to regain our lost power and strength.
Power Animals and spirit allies
We all have animal, plant and spirit allies who guide and protect us, either throughout our lives or at specific times. Power animals and spirit allies unique to the client are also retrieved and often come through during a session. These bring added strength, protection, guidance and vitality.
Themes covered:
- General wellbeing
- Self-esteem
- Releasing negative thought patterns
- Ancestral Lineage Healing
- Abuse (physical, emotional and sexual)
- Separation and bereavement
- Relationship difficulties
- Womb healing
- Sexuality and gender identity
Shamanic Healing helps you:
- Reconnect to your strength and personal power and purpose
- Increase self-esteem
- Move through loss and separation with greater strength and awareness
- Release what no longer serves and is keeping you stuck in a pattern