Healing Session In Person (Available as 1 Hour Or 2hrs)
For more information please see How I Work.
Available at Alma Vale Centre, 30 Alma Vale, Bristol BS8 2HY.
Given the current financial crisis and rising rates, I will need to put my prices up but have introduced a concession rate. N.B. Concession only applies for 2hr sessions. Please see my distance healing offerings for cheaper options.
For Two Hours: £120 Or £100 (Two Hours)
For One Hour: £80 (1 Hour)
1hr Session Structure: 5 minutes consultation; 40-45 minutes shamanic healing; 5-10 minutes feedback
2hr Session Structure: 30 minutes consultation where we explore and unpack the themes with the guidance of Spirit in more depth; 1hr shamanic healing; 30 minutes feedback and suggestions, practices and rituals for integration.
* If you have difficulties paying please email to discuss payment plan options.
Note: For my integrated coaching & healing package please see: The Journey
Distance Healing (Three Options)
Because all energy healing occurs beyond ordinary time and space, physical distance is of no importance to be able to travel the invisible realms and connect to another’s energy field.
This means that while we may not be physically in the same room, I would still be able to read your energy field and carry out the healing as usual.
As such and depending on your needs, distance healing would still entail: extraction, soul and power retrieval and realigning work. Depending on your specific situation, it may also involve: ancestral healing, curse unravelling, cord cutting and support with relationship difficulties.
There are three options of how we would work based on your preference. All are equally effective and simply accommodate different logistical requirements
Two Hours With Sound: We would speak on the phone or video to discuss what you’d like to focus on and see what guidance I receive from Spirit in terms of how to proceed and any pertinent moments in your time line that you may remember. (It doesn’t matter if you don’t!)
If you would like to hear the sound of the instruments and any guidance during the healing, we would disconnect the video, leaving my audio on and muting yours. During this time you will hear me use the instruments (rattles, drum, sistrum and voice) and any guidance or affirmations that come through for you in that time. Every healing is unique, so sometimes guidance during the session is minimal and at other times there is more involvement from you, for instance in repeating an affirmation if one comes. At the end of the session, we would come back together on video and I would tell you what was done, relay any integration practices and ceremonies prescribed for you by the spirits.
Investment: £110(Full price)
Two Hours Without Sound: After speaking on the phone or video, we would then hung up and I would do the work while you are lying down. When I’ve finished I would then call you back to tell you what was done.
Investment: £100
One hour (Without Sound): All communication is by email only.
Sometimes it’s not easy to carve out some ‘me’ time at home or find a good moment to coordinate, the third option, and one I also have extensive experience with, is that we ca. I link in with my allies and am guided to do the healing. I will then email you to tell you what was done. Because the work is done beyond space and time, it is not essential if you are not at home and lying down.
Investment: £75
Does Distance Healing Really Work?
Yes! I have done distance work for people as near as a road away and all over the world for over 15 years, even sceptics agreed that it worked.
All options are equally effective, it is a matter of personal preference and practicalities. To hear about people’s experiences with distance healing from me check out the testimonials section on my website https://www.shamanictransformation.com/testimonials/
Please contact me if you have any questions and we can arrange a time to speak to discuss this further.
Psychopomp and Depossession work
Not everyone who has died crosses over easily at the time of death; sometimes souls can get stuck in the astral realms. Occasionally these can become either unwanted or persistent presences in our space; they are displaced, but not ‘evil’. They may be attracted to us for a reason, or have still an earthly attachment to the place where we are.
A psychopomp is someone who helps souls cross over during or after death, this can be a spirit helper and ally, or a shaman with the aid of their allies. This work ensures that the deceased are helped to cross over successfully to find peace. If we felt a suffering being in our physical and energetic space, we too can then also reclaim our full sovereignty and can be at peace in ourselves.
If you feel that this pertains to you, please do get in touch to discuss your specific situation and explore how we might work together. Investment In person £120 Distance: £100
Tarot Reading (Not Currently Available)
Tarot allows us to understand the forces working through our lives and can help:
- Gain clarity over uncertainties
- Make empowered choices regarding the future
- Understand patterns and dynamics in relationships
If you wish to speak with a loved one who has passed over, I can help you communicate with them.
Cost per hour: £60 (In person)
Psychic Reading (on Zoom)
Would you like to gain some clarity and guidance from Spirit about particular area(s) of your life? Wherever you may be in the world, we can meet face-to-face on Skype and, with the help of my spirit allies, I can give you an oracular reading.
Investement (prepaid): £60 (1 hour), £80 (1½ hours)
Healing for Children and Young People, 3Yrs +
I have been working with young people for many years to help with difficulties such as:
- Self-esteem
- Nightmares and fears
- Parental separation
- Difficulties socialising and bullying
- Shock and trauma
Healings last 45 minutes and are held in the presence of a parent or guardian or as Distance Healing. (See testimonials for feedback received from parents).
Investment: £70 £60 (Concession). Please note for distance work only Options 1 and 3 available for children.
Booking Deposit, Payment and Cancellation Policy
To secure your booking a refundable deposit of £30 (payable by bank transfer) is required within a day of accepting an appointment. Appointments will be held for 24hours without a deposit.
Payment: please note sessions are payable in advance . You can pay in full at the time of booking or pay the balance the day before the session.
If you need to reschedule or cancel, the deposit is only refundable with a minimum of 24hrs notice.
Cancellations made on the day will need to be paid in full (unless ill health prevents you from attending).