Anonymous (Distance & In person Healing)
Marina is a powerful healer and a joy to work with. Having tried many modalities of healing I have learnt to temper my expectations of what a new healer or type of healing can do. I have been pleasantly surprised by how miraculous the results have been with Marina. The sessions themselves are very enlightening, as Marina’s insights into the issues that need to be resolved penetrate way beyond conventional wisdom and help me feel understood and deeply supported. After her sessions the changes so beautifully integrate and occur in my life that I don’t realise just how much has changed until I find myself doing things with a greater peace and freedom than I ever thought possible. The first experience of this was being able to travel on a bus out of my city without anxiety for the first time in fifteen years. I just inexplicably felt calm which was a miracle after years of trying to resolve travel anxiety with CBT, trauma therapy and others. The most recent transformation I experienced was realising that I didn’t feel alone or lonely any more, that I felt a peace and connection to myself that was liberating and has enabled me to feel much safer in the world, after ten years of chronic traumatic symptoms that kept me in a state of isolation and convalescence. Marina’s healing, alongside the other ongoing therapeutic support I have had, has rapidly moved me forward into a place of peace and emotional freedom I always wanted and needed. The fact that she can get these results in just a few sessions is amazing and the value for money is incredible. Thank you Marina!